

Getting Started with Langburp


Langburp is a workplace chat integration platform that makes it easy to build and deploy chat integrations with Microsoft Teams and Slack.

Langburp offers the following core components:

Langburp Console

The Langburp Console is where you create, manage, and observe your chat integrations. Visit the console.

Langburp API

The Langburp API is a set of REST APIs, with language-specific SDKs, that provides a single API for building your chat integrations.

Prebuilt UI

Langburp provides prebuilt React and NextJS-compatible UI components to help onboard your users into your chat integrations.

Event-driven Webhooks

Langburp uses event-driven webhooks to trigger actions in your app whenever a user installs your app, sends a message, and more.


For a better understanding of the docs, there's some common terminologies:

Integration: In Langurp, an integration encapsulates the necessary configuration and credentials for a particular chat platform. For example, Microsoft Teams or Slack.

Connection: A connection is a specific instance or installation of an integration. For example, when someone from ACME Corp. connects their Slack workspace, you'll see a new connection appear in the console that contains metadata from that organization's Slack workspace.

Connection User: A connection user is a particular user that has installed your integration. A connection user always belongs to a single connection. For example, if John Doe from ACME Corp. connects their Slack workspace, you'll see a new connection user appear in the console that contains metadata from John Doe's Slack user.

Why Langburp?

Your users want to be able to access your app from their workplace chat a lot more than you want to deal with building integrations. That's why we built Langburp.

Workplace chat app integerations are weird. On the one hand, they seem simple. You just need to listen for a few events, add an API call, and you're good to go, right? Well, in practice, no.

The teams we talked to often spent days, or even weeks, troubleshooting obscure Microsoft Teams API quirks, updating database schemas, adding a dozen new API endpoints, or even just figuring out which Slack SDK they should be using. Not to mention, they had to figure out their own authentication flow for connecting Slack/Teams App Store installations to registered users and organzations in their own application.

Things get even more complicated if you plan on supporting multiple chat platforms, and while it may seem like everyone is on Slack, Microsoft Teams serves nearly an order of magnitude more users (~8.5x to be exact).

Ultimately, we're just trying to make something that should be easy, actually easy. If this resonates with you, we'd love to help you get your integration off the ground!

Use Cases

Langburp is a great fit for the following use cases and more!

AI Agents

  • Easily authenticate chat users, regardless of how they install your app (platform app store, direct install, etc.)
  • Deploy via each chat platform's app store, or let users install directly from your application with Langburp's prebuilt UI components
  • Send interactive form components to chat users using a single standard for defining form fields, regardless of the chat platform (coming soon!)
  • Stream LLM responses to chat users in real-time, with shims for platforms that don't natively support streaming (coming soon!)


  • Langburp's native Slash Commands feature makes it easy to register custom slash commands, regardless of the chat platform. For example, Langburp fills Microsoft Team's lack of direct support for slash commands behind the scenes


  • Leverage Langburp's prebuilt UI components to add "Add to Slack" or "Add to Microsoft Teams" buttons to your application in minutes
  • Use your internal user and organization/tenant IDs to send notifications to the right users.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at [email protected]!

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